Gartner® report: 9 Principles for Improving Cloud Resilience
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November 8, 2022

So you think you’re resilient? Learnings from BCI World 2022

Proving resilience to stakeholders and regulators can be difficult, especially if your testing methods are not reflective of how you would need to behave during a real crisis. If you’re at a stage in your resilience journey where you need 12 weeks of preparation and 100 IT resources to prove that your resilience processes work, you can’t really prove your ability to do anything in a real-life scenario. Real-life outages are messy, while highly-planned tests remove any element of chaos, removing the opportunity for really useful learnings.

There can also be a disconnect between individuals and departments on what constitutes “proof” of resilience. Conflicting priorities and standards can cause problems with recovery and getting everyone on the same page in the midst of a crisis adds another layer of difficulty. Building consistency across the organization regarding what good resilience looks like is also an important aspect of resilience maturity.

Resilience maturity is a journey

Every organization is on a resilience journey and maturity levels vary across the board. However, there will always be room for improvement when it comes to perfecting your resilience testing and execution processes.

At the recent BCI World conference, resilience expert Mark Heywood and Senior Manager of Business Continuity & Crisis Management at London Stock Exchange Group Clive O’Riordan discussed the pain points, challenges, and some quick-win solutions to the problem of being able to prove your level of resilience. They shared their real-world experience, including challenges they’ve faced, mistakes they’ve made, and important lessons they’ve learned about how to really prove resilience. 

If you didn't get to see the session live, or just want a refresher, watch the on-demand recording below to learn how you can move your organization along the operational resilience maturity journey and prove and improve your level of resilience. 

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Chloe Lovatt
IT Disaster Recovery
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