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The ultimate guide to runbooks for financial services

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Runbooks are traditionally defined as “a compilation of routine procedures and operations that the system administrator or operator carries out,” typically in relation to the operation of a computer system or network. Today’s runbooks are usually electronic, although paper runbooks that have to be updated by hand have been used for incredibly complex tasks, including landing on the moon!

Automation runbooks like Cutover’s integrate with a financial organization’s complex tech stack to orchestrate complicated workflows and procedures, like technology resilience activities and regulatory compliance, application releases, cloud migrations, platform implementations, and more. This eGuide takes a closer look at the basics of runbooks and how Cutover’s runbooks are different.

‍Key takeaways

Download this eGuide to learn about:

  • The different types and uses of runbooks
  • Why finance companies are moving to automated runbooks
  • The benefits of using runbooks for financial organizations

Cutover runbooks enable you to plan and execute your processes such as IT disaster recovery or cloud migrations by connecting your teams, technology, and applications, combining both automated and manual tasks.