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Your ultimate guide to runbooks

What is a runbook? 

A runbook is a detailed, step-by-step guide for completing complex tasks and operations. Runbooks are used to standardize processes across an organization while giving team members easy access to a framework of all the information they need to fulfill their roles and responsibilities.

Runbooks can be used in many scenarios such as during a data center failover, an IT disaster recovery test, or to optimize routine IT operations.

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Runbooks can help to 

  • Reduce repetitive planning
  • Automate manual tasks
  • Connect teams and technology in one place
  • Replace static spreadsheets 
  • Provide a more efficient work approach
  • Reduce planning and testing time

In this guide, you will learn about:

  • The different types of runbooks
  • The top benefits of using runbooks
  • Automated runbooks
  • The features of a Cutover runbook

Runbook technology can provide significant benefits such as: 

  • Reduce event planning and execution time by 50%.
  • Reduce incidents by 20% on average, saving nearly $1.3 million over three years.
  • Increase audit efficiency and reduce audit preparation time by an average of 60%, saving nearly $243,000 over three years.

See the runbook capabilities for yourself.