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Use Cutover with your Ansible Tower installation to orchestrate automation, create visibility, and efficiently control your IT environments. With Cutover you can automate the deployment and configuration of almost any part of your technology estate without having to access Ansible Tower. 

What can the Ansible integration do?

As an authorized user, you can use the integration to schedule and start an Ansible playbook without having direct access to Ansible Tower.

There is a specific Task Type associated with starting an Ansible playbook within Cutover and this is identifiable by the Ansible icon. The Ansible Playbook URL and other user-defined parameters can be viewed in the Task Details panel which opens when the task type is selected. 


When the task starts, the parameters are forwarded to the Ansible endpoint, executing the playbook. The user can see the status of the playbook in real time from within the Cutover UI. 


Ansible Tower must be deployed for this integration to work. We also support the open source version of Ansible Tower, AWX, and further information on this can be found here - AWS Project - FAQs.

The installation can be either cloud based or an internal setup within an organization’s firewall. For the latter, Cutover Connect* will be required to route the messages securely from Cutover Core to Ansible Tower.

*Cutover Connect has been created as a secure ‘tunnel’ between our Cutover SaaS platform which is hosted on AWS and key customer applications and systems. 



integration FAQs

How do you authenticate to Ansible Tower? OAuth 2 authentication is commonly used when interacting with the Ansible Tower API. An OAuth 2 token is supplied with each API request via the Authorization header and these tokens have a configurable timeout and are scopable. They can be easily revoked for one user or for the entire Ansible Tower system by an admin if needed.

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