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Q2 2022 Cutover platform release announcements

Cutover Platform Release Announcement for Q2 2022

Dashboard sharing  (Release 3.55)

You can now automatically share dashboards with either individuals or runbook teams via email, add a custom message, and set the frequency to once, daily, or weekly.

This allows you to keep all stakeholders informed on the progress of the execution of your runbooks without them having to log into the platform.

Dashboard presets (Release 3.59)

here are now three pre-built dashboards for different scenarios including application release, disaster recovery, and cloud migration. These new dashboards provide analysis of key trends within your existing runbooks and processes. 

Workspace managers can easily add these pre-built dashboards with a few clicks without the need to build them from scratch.

Runbook user management (Release 3.61)

This new functionality will allow runbook admins to quickly and easily add multiple users and teams and change user permissions, providing greater visibility into who has access to Cutover runbooks.

Github integration (Release 3.61)

Cutover now has a pre-built integration to Github. This new integration action allows you to create a Github release or pre-release tag, with or without release notes. You can now confidently create and link a runbook to a software release without the risk of human error.

Custom field “display name” (Release 3.61)

This functionality enables Cutover to lock the internal system name of a custom field in order to create a new “display name” which can be edited in the custom fields settings. 

To change custom field display names, users  will need to check the 'Lock name' option which can be found within additional settings.

User management of Oauth tokens (Release 3.61)

Cutover can now use ​​Oauth tokens. For users that are authenticated with a third-party application (via an integration), a Cutover admin will have a new section within the Edit Profile section allowing them to see further information or remove the token.

All technical documentation and platform release notes can be found in Cutover’s online help center.  Click here to access the Cutover Integration Suite Developer Portal

Public video demonstrations of new and existing functionality can be found here.

For more information, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or Account Manager.