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April 21, 2022

Calculator shows Cutover's significant ROI benefits across the board

No matter the number of events you run, or how long they take to plan, your company can achieve significant ROI when using the Cutover platform to execute those events, according to a new calculator created by global research firm Forrester on behalf of Cutover. 

The calculator, based on Forrester’’s 2021 study, “Total Economic Impact of Cutover Work Orchestration and Observability,” commissioned by Cutover, shows that companies running many highly complex, time-intensive events can achieve an impressive ROI of up to 1,247% over three years. 

Organizations running fewer events with less planning time can still see significant ROI, especially if the events they are executing are highly complex. A sampling of customers from the TEI study showed ROI benefits of 309% over three years from using Cutover.

Quantifying ‘great feedback’

Cutover commissioned the study to detail the economic benefits of using Cutover’s advanced platform to orchestrate human and machine work activity. 

“If you’re relying on disconnected tools and teams to plan and execute your most crucial activities, you leave your organization running higher on risk, cost and audit exposure.” says Marcus Wildsmith, Cutover co-founder and Chief Product Officer. ‘We commissioned the Forrester Consulting study to validate the great feedback we hear from our customers.” 

The calculator now allows prospective customers to get a quick snapshot of their potential ROI and Net Present Value benefits from Cutover, and access a customized ROI report that details your organization’s potential cost and time savings in planning time, event execution, incident mitigation and audit efficiency.   

Cutting time in half and saving millions

In the TEI study, interviews with a composite group of Cutover clients showed these benefits over three years:

  • 50% reduction in planning time, saving nearly $634k
  • 30%-70% reduction in execution time, saving more than $6.8 million
  • 20% reduction in incidents, saving nearly $1.3 million
  • 60% reduction in audit preparation time, saving $243k

To find out what your organization can save, use the free calculator. 

To learn more about the benefits of Cutover and what it can do for your organization, read the full study.

Kathy Jones
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Calculator shows Cutover's significant ROI benefits across the board
Our clients have saved millions, reduced planning time, and some have gained an ROI of 309% from using Cutover, according to a commissioned Forrester study. Calculate what your benefits could be.
Apr 21, 2022
Mar 10, 2024
Kathy Jones