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Operational resilience, business continuity, and IT disaster recovery - what's the difference?

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Enterprises, industry experts, and vendors all use three overlapping but not identical terms to describe their end goal of keeping the business operational in times of unplanned events: Operational resilience, BCM, and IT Disaster Recovery (IT DR).  It is very easy to understand why the terms operational resilience, BCM, and IT DR are often used interchangeably. There is a lot of overlap in the breadth of processes and procedures across all of them, but there are key differences. 

Key learnings 

  • Understand the key differences between the three widely incorrectly used terms, correct usage of the correct terminology will help to properly set your recovery strategies and expectations across your enterprise. 
  • Identify and gain an understanding of the key five pillars of the resilience framework
  • Learn how Cutover’s IT DR platform will give you the confidence in your rehearsals and live invocations