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April 28, 2022

Connect tools and teams fearlessly with these 9 Cutover integrations

Many organizations are wrestling with a Frankenstein’s Monster in their IT departments, according to a recent Information Age article. 

Technology "features have been bolted-on over the years, with those responsible for them moving on from the business and leaving IT leaders unsure of their system’s interdependencies or how it even works,” writes CEO Mat Rule writes in the essay, “Why integration must be the foundation for digital change.” 

This leaves many IT leaders wary of new technology integrations, even if they know their digital transformation efforts – and business success – may depend on them. 

Integrations don’t have to be frightening

Cutover has helped many clients integrate new technologies and help make the process of using them more efficient, collaborative and visible, creating better ways to harmonize people with automated processes, while minimizing risks of disruptions, outages and regulatory penalties.  

The links below give you more information about our integrations with popular collaboration, automation and development tools. We have included prerequisites and any FAQS you might have when using Cutover integrations.


With Cutover, you can schedule and start an Ansible playbook for IT automation without having direct access to Ansible Tower. When a Cutover task starts, the parameters are forwarded to the Ansible endpoint, executing the playbook. The user can see the status of the playbook in real time from within the Cutover UI.


The Cutover and CloudEndure integration creates a single automated solution for Disaster Recovery. Cutover can trigger any recovery plan created in CloudEndure, which allows you to face outages and downtime head on to reduce the loss of revenue and negative impact to the customer experience. 


Cutover helps automate work and improve productivity by allowing users to create and execute GitHub pull requests and surfaces the latest GitHub statuses without needing to leave the Cutover platform itself, thereby allowing business stakeholders to work closely with the engineering department without needing to “speak tech.”


Jenkins is an integration tool that allows continuous development, test, and deployment of newly created code. Cutover can integrate with Jenkins implementations in-cloud and on-premise. Use Cutover to gain visibility across your organization into complex, sequenced Jenkins jobs that can be configured in Cutover with or without parameters, for an easy way to build the process that will seamlessly execute your next application release. 


Cutover integrates with Jira to greatly increase visibility into software development lifecycles, accelerate software release process, and eliminate manual steps that release managers or testers would have to go through. Cutover’s integration builds runbooks that bring all critical activities and people involved in a release into one place.  


You can enable Cutover to post messages to Mattermost, a self-hosted chat service that is used daily to collaborate and communicate across teams. You can share progress on runbooks by using the integration to  post messages to an existing Mattermost channel directly from a Cutover task. 

Microsoft Teams

The Cutover-Microsoft Teams integration seamlessly updates your teams on the status and progress of runbooks, reducing time spent in project meetings and giving real-time visibility. You can use the integration to post messages directly to Microsoft Teams from a Cutover. 

Microsoft Teams With Authentication

In addition to the Microsoft Teams benefits shown above, this integration allows users to have an extra level of authentication, using Microsoft when  sending messages to Microsoft Teams channels.


With Cutover, you can post messages to the Slack collaboration platform, using Slack’s Web API, to update colleagues on progress or create awareness of your runbook. To do this, simply create a new task in Cutover  and set the Task Type as “Post Message to Slack.”

For more information on how Cutover can help you integrate technologies and help them work better together, check out our Get Connected with Cutover guide, along with our Platform Integrations page.

Kathy Jones
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